Payment will be done online (debit/credit card), you can find information about our services here.
You can find information about refunding in the disclaimer here, paragraph 3.
Please read the disclaimer carefully. If you have already purchased a ticket please know that you have already agreed to these terms.
If you purchase the A, F or I ticket you will be contacted by a member of DENTis. The rooms are for 2 people, arrangements will be done over the phone a week before the event. Unfortunately breakfast is not included. The location will be available soon here.
You can only do so by purchasing the following tickets: A-active, B-active or E-active. After purchase you will be able to upload your abstract on a page provided in the mail we sent you. There you will have to fill in your name and order number. Please check your inbox (spam section also) for additional information. Also make sure to read the abstract rules here.
Note! You can purchase a ticket and you can upload the abstract later, until the 12st of March 2023.
You will be able to find them here later.
You will have to pick up your diploma on the last day of the Congress from the Secretariat, otherwise it might take some time until we will send it to you.
Yes, but you have to inform us with at least 24 hours in advance as another participant may like to take your place.
You will receive an automatic confirmation via email. Please make sure to also check the spam section.