The International Congress of Dental Medicine for Students and Young Doctors DENTis 2024 took  place between 4-6 April 2024, in Cluj-Napoca, in the premises of the “Iuliu Hațieganu” Auditorium on  Gheorghe Marinescu Street no. 23. 

The event was organized by the Organization of Dental Students from Cluj-Napoca, in partnership with  the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, with sponsors: Terapia, Turkish  Airlines, Dentsply Sirona, Ivoclar, Dentamerica, Bredent, DigiRay, Megagen, Phillips, Septodont, DentEstet  Krondent, Dentstore, Sabettimed, MB Dental, SSER, TerraDent, Stomestet, Halmadent, Durr Dental, Kulzer,  Straumann, Biomax Dental Distribution, My Xpert, Medident, RAP Group, Nastimed, Jidvei, Gerovital,  Biomap, fMedical, Gursk Medica, The Coffee Factory, Farmec, Boffo, Narcoffee, InWhite, The Guild Hall,  Effect Lab, Panasonic, Poka, Hipnotiq Balloon Events, Yume Coffee, Volunteer for life, Bucovina, teste, Maravet, Tiroliana Cheile Turzii, Flash your mind, Florăria Păpădie, Studentpractice,  WearScrubs, Baletina by Theia Line, Medica M3, Jibbitz, Elmex, Povești cu baloane, New York Dental, Dr.  In Uniforma, Captain Bean, Vibes by Andreea, Caffeine, Grilerezidențiat, Jumping House, Wameleon, Oral B  Professional, Laser Tag Fonix, Maria’s Ladybugs, Rezidențiat.RO, Transilvania Extreme Adventures.

At this edition of the congress, there were approximately 450 participants, both from the University of  Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, and from other Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy in the country,  such as: Bucharest, Iasi, Oradea, Constanța, Arad, Timișoara , Târgu Mureș, Galați, Sibiu. Along with them,  there were numerous foreign participants, all of whom were able to benefit from the conferences held in the  Cluj Napoca University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hall, on Gheorghe Marinescu Street. 

The President of the Congress was the Dean of the Conf. Univ. Dr. Cristian Dinu, and the Scientific  Committee was made up of: Conf. Dr. Kui Andreea – the president of the scientific committee, Head of 

Works Dr. Colcer Loredana, Head of Works Dr. Crișan Bogdan Head of Works Dr. Bordea Roxana, Șef Head  of Works Dr. Simu Meda. 


Ruxandra BREHAR

President of DENTIS CONGRESS 2025